Web hosting in Australia AussieHost: FAQ
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Q-1: What if I don't have a registered domain name for my site?

Once you have bought the hosting space, you can always upload your site and view it at the specified IP address, e.g.

Q-2: Does AussieHost design websites?

Kindly visit our designing wing at www.websites4u.com.au.

Q-3: What do I do when my site is down?

Our techs are paged by our systems when they go down. We know when the sites go down. Our systems will reboot after 10 mins of down time; if they do not reboot they page us to the machine.

Q-4: What do I do when my email quits working?

Generally, the system is busy; wait a few minutes and try again.

Q-5: Can I upgrade to a higher hosting package/plan?

Yes, you can always do so.